“I cannot conceive of music that expresses absolutely nothing .”

-- Bela Bartok --

“Music is for every single person that walks the planet.”

-- Robert Plant --

“All music is beautiful.”

-- Billy Strayhorn --

“Music can change the world because it can change people.”

-- Bono --

“It’s never too late to do anything new when it comes to music.”

-- Sivamani --


We may never know the true origins of the saying, "May you live in interesting times," but that is certainly where we are at the moment! So first and foremost, I send my best hopes that you and your family and friends are staying safe and healthy. And for those who have lost someone, I hope you can find some measure of peace soon.

I have had some positive events since the last update to the page. I had the opportunity to make a presentation on the process of scoring "The Doll" to the composition studio at Syracuse University's Setnor School of Music. The students were outstanding, and had some wonderful questions and comments at the end.

Trio Casals made it to their Carnegie Hall CD Release concert in New York City in February, before things started to shut down. "Earth Rise" was well received, and the trio gave a breathtaking performance. We were also fortunate to squeeze in a performance of "Caged" for percussion ensemble with the Empire State Youth Percussion Ensemble at SUNY-Albany. A family member of one of the percussionists got this marvelous video as well. Unfortunately, we did have to postpone the next recording session with Trio Casals, for my latest work, "Crooked Lake." But I will update you as soon as we are able to get back into the studios together again. And I have signed on for another very exciting composition! I'll have to leave it at that, as the official announcement has yet to be made, but I am incredibly excited!

And check out what's happening on the air at WCNY-FM...holy moly! Our live broadcasts are continuing every weekday, so I am in the studio every day. (You can't get much more isolated than sitting alone in a broadcast booth!) But there's more - we have added a brand new program to the lineup twice a week called Classical Companion, which are conversations with artists and arts organizers about the music that moves them in these challenging times. The program airs Wednesdays and Fridays at noon, and all the archives and playlists are on this page. Plus, I am continuing to produce new episodes of Feminine Fusion, which airs every Sunday afternoon at 2:00pm Eastern. We are syndicated on a dozen stations across the country. If you'd like your local station to carry it, they can contact me on the Feminine Fusion webpage here.

As for performances, well, everything is (of course) on hold. But keep an eye on these pages for new developments. And please, support your local arts and arts organizations. We want to be sure they are still here and vibrant when we can all gather in the concert hall once again.

Check out Samba Laranja, the Central New York Flute Choir, Syracuse Opera Company, and the Chamber Music Society of Utica. And be sure to visit my Pet Dragon Music Facebook page for more information as well.
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